Saturday, January 1, 2011

The Power of NO MIND

The original mind (No Mind) is the proper ground of enlightenment and leads to the Oneness with the universe. 

The Original Mind is the intrinsic essence of mind, the true self. It is inherently pure and good, and in Christian terms it can be said to participate in the Kingdom of God. In Eastern traditions it is prior to thought, prior to desire, prior to any conceptualization at all. It is discovered by stripping away all sensation, desire, concepts, intellection, volition, and awareness of "I." It partakes of the Oneness of all. Buddhism calls this mind the Buddha Nature, and much of Buddhist practice is aimed at its realization. They also call it "no-mind" because it is without any grasping at a (selfish) self. Taoists agree, and seek to strip away all intellection and formalism in order to arrive at the spontaneous activity of the natural man who lives at one with the Tao of the universe.

We create with our thought (mind): If we have a positive thought, we create a positive experience. If we have a negative thought, we create a negative experience. Who creates when we take no thought to an appearance?!

The reason why no mind, no thought or no ego is so powerful is that we are already perfect spirits, sparks of the Creator Source. The only thing that separates us from being one with the Creator Source is ego thought. God is just a thought away. We are already, but the moment we take ego thought, we separate ourselves from that which we are, just like dark clouds covering the vast limitless sky.