Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Our service - Contact us - Bigu Fasting Information


Our service - Contact us - Bigu Fasting Information

Welcome to this inspiring blogsite.

My name is Laney. As a professional instructor of Bigu Fasting, a traditional life-enhancing art sourcing from China, I am blessed to have mastered the unique skills to help people enter into Bigu fasting state, safely Living on Divine Light Nutrition and Water for 7-14-21 days. I have been providing this unique service in different cities and countries with full confidence. No Risks, No Medicines! It is like a cleansing surgery without scalpel! It has had thousands of history in China and been very popular with modern people who seek purity, balance and quality of life.

Bigu will prove that YOU ARE MUCH MORE THAN A BODY. You will be safe and won't feel the sense of hunger after Bigu treatment, which involves pressing points, activating energy channel and giving powerful blessings. All of these are conducted professionally in a special state of spiritual connection. Very few in the world have mastered this unique skill. To maintain life processes during Bigu fasting, excess fat and sugar, weak and ill proteins, waste, toxins and abnormal growths in your body will burn off automatically, which benefits you in such ways: 

  •   Make you naturally lose weight each day and balance your body figure.
  •   Lower blood pressure, blood sugar and blood fat and uric acid naturally.
  •   Cleanse inside body “storage” holistically. This leads to self-healing from many chronic diseases.
  •  Improve the quality of skin by naturally reducing pimples and wrinkles.
  •  Purify your energy-field and tune you into deeper contact with divine energies for spiritual growth and profound inner peace.
  • Bring about a positive transformation that leads you to be free from any kind of addictions and start a healthier eating or drinking habit, since a purified body naturally feels like a light lifestyle.

     Besides the unique treatments on points and energy channel for the first and last day of Bigu, we provide professional support and teachings that benefit life greatly during 14-day Bigu, such as life-enhancing treatments, meditation, Bible study, life enhancement discussion etc. 

   Welcome to this life-transforming Bigu art to enjoy a refreshed life,  spiritual growth along with a slim body and a peaceful mind.

   Healing scraping therapy is provided here as well for improving circulation and reducing pain naturally.

   Effective prayer healing service done by a senior pastor is also available and free of  charge for people who want to speed up spiritual progress or who are suffering physically, mentally or spiritually.

   You are welcome to contact us to discuss these natural powerful therapies or book these services.

Laney02108867169      Wechatqingyang26

             E-mail: gao1682@yahoo.com

For more Bigu Fasting infomation, please click the links below:

Exciting Transformation That Happened To Bigu Fasting Man (With photos)



Frequently Asked Questions About Qigong Bigu


Amazing Effects of Bigu Fasting Retreat And Comments From A Chinese Taoist



Fasting could help us cope with a number of diseases ( FASTING 'RESETS OUR BODIES' )



Some Interesting Comments on Qigong Bigu Fasting From Clients



Bigu Fasting Detox - Autophagy - 2016 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine



The Benefits of Bigu Fasting


Sunday, February 13, 2022

Exciting Transformation That Happened To Bigu Fasting Man (With photos)

An IT professional, who loves yoga and healthy diet, undertook 14-day Bigu Fasting Regimen recently. To his surprise, he didn't feel hungry at all during the 14 days after the treatments on the points and being specially blessed. He was still able to work and do exercises while living on water only for so many days. He checked his own blood pressure on the 10th day and felt so pleased to see it at ideal level.

 Many unexpected great changes have taken place since his Bigu Fasting:

1.      He has lost 9kgs of weight.

2.      The wrinkles on his face and neck have reduced a lot naturally due to Bigu detoxing effect, which leads to better blood circulation.

3.      His skin quality improves considerably and he looks much younger than before.

4.      He is able to do highly difficult yoga postures freely now.

5.      His sweat isn’t smelly anymore. 

Te   The swell on his finger has dissapeared unexpectedly.

       His nose isn't runny any more.

       He has overcome the habit of compulsive eating overnight.

 Before Bigu Fasting:

After Bigu Fasting: