Thursday, September 14, 2023

Amazing Regenerative Stemcell Therapy (Phototherapy)

Stemcell therapy theories: 

GHK and DNA: Resetting the Human Genome to Health

Regenerative and Protective Actions of the GHK-Cu Peptide in the Light of the New Gene Data

LifeWave is approved MDA Medical Device

LifeWave 1 of 130+ patents (Elevate GHK-Cu)

LifeWave Corporate Website

How X39 patches work for regeneration of cells  

David Schmidt, LifeWave Founder | CEO | Inventor explains X39 to Healthcare Practitioners and Scientific-Minded Individuals (37 minutes)

David Schmidt, LifeWave Founder | CEO | Inventor Connect X39&Aeon

To order patches online, please go to

There is 30-day or 90-day money back guarantee with all orders, which means that you can try out lifewave patches with no concern at all.  You are welcome to call me or message me on 02108867169 if you want to make inquiry, or get advice and assistance in ordering online and how to apply them properly. Please make sure that you drink 2 litres of water each day, eat no or less fruits and stay away from all negative ion products while using lifewave patches. Also please be sure to take a clear photo of your face and hair right before starting the use of patches. You will never look as old as this very photo once you start your journey with lifewave. Normally your face will look much younger and healthier in just a month as your general health improves. Every half a year on patches, you can expect to be 8.5 years younger both in appearance and vitality.

It is strongly recommended that every new user should start with X39 (12 hours daytime) & Aeon (12 hours nighttime) placed at GV14 acupuncture point. No matter what other patches you want to use, X39 and Aeon should be used as primary patches all the time. 

The X39 patch is clinically proven to provide the body with a level of health and vitality that you have not experienced since you were in your youth. Using our patented form of phototherapy, X39 elevates the peptide GHK-Cu, which is known to decline with age. When elevated, this peptide activates the body's own stem cells, providing incredible healing and age-reversal benefits. 

Aeon patch was released in 2011. From the time it was released, up until 2019, it was LifeWave top selling patch.  Aeon patch acts as a pure anti- aging patch that also has the daily benefit of inflammation and stress reduction. When we think about what are going to be contributing factors in aging, one of them is inflammation. And of course, inflammation can also be associated with a number of autoimmune disorders like arthritis. In other words, if you have arthritis, you can use the Aeon patch to manage those symptoms, control the inflammation and reduce your pain. There are long term benefits to reducing inflammation. Studies are very clear that as we manage inflammation, we can age more gracefully and not experience some of the negative effects of aging. Aeon patch is very powerful in that regards. Our autonomic nervous system can be modulated by Aeon patch to bring a healthy order and balance to the body for effective healing.

If you wanted to combine X39 patch with Aeon, it would be a very POWERFUL anti- aging, pain relief and DNA repair strategy. 

If you choose a siver pack, it works the best for you if you choose 2 packs of X39 and 2 packs of Aeon. 

If you choose a gold pack, it works the best for you if you choose 4 packs of X39 and 3 packs of Aeon. 

Benefits of Glutathione patch -- Promotes detoxification of heavy metals,  Acts as a master antioxidant, Reduces the oxidative stress, Protects body from free radical damage, Supports liver and kidney, Helps with parkinson and diabetes, Supports brain and gut, Lowers Inflammation, Anti-Aging, Fights Infections, Fights against autoimmune disease, Whitens skin, Improves clarity of skin.

Benefits of Carnosine patch -- Improves memory, Relieves digestive issues, Helps with ligaments/tendons/nerve damage, Supports heart function and breathing, Relieves eye disorders and migraine, Improve muscle strength and exercise performance etc.

To order patches online, please go to


Saturday, January 7, 2023

Amazing Benefits of Bigu Fasting

We go on vacations from work to relax, recharge, and to gain new perspectives on our life; why not take regular breaks from food?

Bi Gu or Qigong Fasting is a powerful form of healing that has been practiced for thousands of years in China. It is a great way for eliminating toxins, healing diseases, losing weight and developing potential functions and wisdom. Bi Gu or Qigong Fasting is an ancient method from the Daoist tradition. It is not simply starving yourself! It is also different from the general practice of fasting. Bi Gu employs life preservation methods and special blessings to enhance one’s capacity of opening to the universal energy or Qi, which is nourishing and infinite. Bi Gu is gentle, safe and inspiring. With the assistance of special treatments on points and energy channels, regular food can be safely replaced by water and universal energy for 7-14 days.

When food is no longer entering the body, the body turns to fat and sugar reserves for energy, which brings forth natural healing and rapid weight-loss.
Bigu Fasting gives the digestive tract time to completely rest and heal itself. Instead of digesting food, more energy goes towards the metabolism, detoxification and immune system. The body's searching for energy sources leads to clean-up and natural healing. Abnormal growths within the body, harmful bacteria, weakened protein and the like, do not have the full support of the body's supplies and therefore are more susceptible to autolysis. The body rids itself of the toxins that have built up in our organs, tissues , blood and blood vessels throughout the years. The body heals itself, repairs all the damaged organs and cells during bigu fasting. It is just like turning off and cleaning a complex and valuable machine so that it will function better and longer.

Bigu fast is a multidimensional experience. Physiologically, refraining from eating minimizes the work done by the digestive organs, including the stomach, intestines, pancreas, gallbladder, and liver. Most important here is that our liver, our bodys large production and metabolic factory, can spend more time during fasting cleaning up and creating its many new substances for our use. Breakdown of stored or circulating fats and chemicals is the basic process of detoxification. The blood and lymph also have the opportunity to be cleaned of toxins as all the eliminative functions are enhanced with fasting. Each cell has the opportunity to catch up on its work; with fewer new demands, it can repair itself and dump its waste for the garbage pickup. Most Bigu students also experience a new vibrancy of their skin and clarity of mind and body.
We can look at Bigu fasting as "taking one or two weeks off work" to handle the other aspects of life, for which there is often little time. During Bigu, we can take time to rest and nurture ourselves. 

Resting the gastrointestinal tract, letting the cells and tissues repair themselves, and allowing the lymph, blood, and organs to clear out old, defective, or diseased cells and unneeded chemicals all lead to less degeneration and sickness. As healthy cell growth is stimulated, so is our level of vitality, immune function and disease resistance, and our potential for greater longevity.
Benefits of Bigu Fasting: Purification ; Rejuvenation; Quick weight-loss ; Rest for digestive organs ; Reduction of allergies ; Drug detoxification; A speedy recovery from chronic diseases; Normalize blood sugar level; Lower blood pressure and fat ;Reduction of the size and effect of tumors; Overcoming addictions; Better resistance to disease; Diet changes; More energy; Better sleep; Clearer skin ; Antiaging effects ;More relaxation; More mental clarity; Creativity;Clearer thinking ;Nice change of habits; Spiritual awareness.


If you are one of these 7 Kinds of People, you should consider Bi Gu:

1. have high blood pressure, high cholesterol and early stage diabetes

2.have Hepatitis, fatty liver, kidney stones, nephritis, gall stone, sinusitis, laryngitis, gastritis, intestinal inflammation, prostatis, arthritis, constipation;

3.have any of the following issues: overweight, acne, breast cyst, gynecological inflammation, infertility, uterine fibroid, ovarian cyst, painful menses hormonal imbalance, coarse skin and all kinds of skin diseases;

4. experience dizziness, fatigue, poor sleep, poor appetite, poor memory, low sexual function;

5. want to prepare for a healthy pregnancy and strong immune for mother and child

6. want to purify and keep body in good shape, enhance immune system, slow down aging process and keep young;

7.want to stay away from cancer and other serious diseases associated with aging.