Monday, December 18, 2017

Incredible “I Am”

Hello, I'd like to make a very brief video based on one of the most misunderstood statements in all spiritual literature, and it's the words ‘I am’.


If somebody were to ask you who are you, you'll say I am, it's understood. But ‘I am’ means who you really are, the truth of you, the oneness of you. And to draw out history, religious and everything else have misunderstood this word, because it's a very depth word. 如果某人问你:「你是谁?」你会说:「我是……」这是可以理解。 然而「我是」意指着你真正是谁、你的真相、你的合一。纵贯历史、宗教和其他一切,都误解了这个词,因为它是个非常有深度的词。 For example, when we hear statements like I am that I am, it refers to the truth of I am. When a statement the seven most beautiful words in the English language that say, “Be still, and know I am God.” it is still referring back to that oneness, to that being. In this particular sense during the videos called in you. See, this is the biggest one. 举例来说,当我们听到这样的表述,如:「我是我所是」,它指的是「我是」的真相。 这样的表述,在英语中由七个最美丽的字眼组成,是这么说的“Be still, and know I am God. ”(静默,然后知道我是上主。) 这仍然意指着回到那个合一,回到那个存在(Being)。在视频中以这个特定的意义来称呼「你」。瞧!这是最大的。 I had a couple of emails, people saying, Burt, I forgive other people, I forgive things, but I find it so hard to forgive myself. It all comes back to ‘I am’. When Jesus made the statement, “I am the way, the truth, and the life, and only through me can you enter the kingdom of heaven.” people took it for granted that unless you believe in Jesus the body you want to enter the kingdom of heaven. But Jesus became the Christ consciousness where he realized ‘I am’ is all that I am. 我收到一些邮件,人们说:Burt,我宽恕了别人,我宽恕了事情,但我发现我很难宽恕自己。」这都要回到「我是」。 当耶稣宣说:「我是道路、真理、生命,只有通过我,你才能进入天国。」 人们想当然的认为,除非你信仰耶稣,那个肉身,你才能进入天国。但是,耶稣成为了基督意识,他了知「我是我的全部」。 For example, let's let make it other simpler. A woman asked me. She said, “Burt, when I'm praying, who am I praying to? If I am is who I am.” And I said, “You're praying to yourself.” She says, praying to myself? And I said yes!  举例来说,把它变得更容易理解一些。一位女士问我:「Burt,当我在祈祷时,如果我即我所是,我是在向谁祈祷呢?」然后我说:「你是在向你自己祈祷。」她说:「向我自己祈祷?」我说:「是的!」 Because all the time you think you're separate, so you look for someone to complete you, you never feel fulfilled within yourself, you never feel complete within yourself, you feel always something is missing, something is not there. You can't find it that there is no one but the ‘I am’ that you are. ‘I am’ is all that there is, so you never pray to anyone, you pray to yourself, because at that moment, there is only the idea that when you pray, God is out there. And you're praying to God, but God is I am. There's only ‘I am’ which is I am, so when I pray, there is absolutely no separation at all, there is only ‘I am’ and that's the fulfillment. 因为你总觉得自己是分裂的,所以你在找寻某人来圆满你,在你之内你从未感到满足,在你之内从未感到完整,你总觉得缺少点什么,有什么不在那儿。 你找不着的,那儿并没有人,有的只是「我是」——你所是的。 「我是」即是一切,所以你从未向任何人祈祷,你是在向自己祈祷,因为在那个时刻,当你祈祷时,只有「上主就在那儿」的念头存在。 而你在向上主祈祷,但上主乃我之所是。这儿只有「我是」,也就是「我」之所「是」,因此,当我祈祷,根本就没有什么分裂,只有我是,而那就是圆满。 Why do we feel lonely, why do we feel deprived, why do we feel unloved, why do we feel incomplete, why do we crave relationship for someone to love us, because we can't feel this completeness, this truth.  为什么我们感到孤独?为什么我们感到被剥夺?为什么我们感到不被爱?为什么我们感到不完整?为什么我们渴望那种有人来爱我们的连结关系?因为我们无法感受到这个完整性、这个真相。 Jesus said, “Don't say lo here, lo there.” The kingdom of God is within you, it is you, yourself we are searching for. There is nothing outside of you, there is only ‘you’, and this is the most complex thing, because when we think of me, we think we're thinking ego. No, ego is the idea that you are incomplete, ego is the idea that you need something, you're conditioned to believe that you are not enough, but you'll finally realize that this ‘I am that I am’ is the true love, which is in a way loving yourself, but not the ego self, which doesn't exist, which is made up of the past, which is made up of your name and body and form.  耶稣说:「别说,看吧!在这里。看吧!在那里。」(路加福音 17:21 上主的天国就在你内,就是你,你在找寻的就是你自己。 在你之外并没有任何东西,只有「你」,而这正是最复杂的事情,因为当我们想到「我」,我们认为我们在思考自我。 不是的,「自我」是那个认为自己不圆满的「想法」,「自我」是那个认为你需要什么的「想法」,你习惯于认为你是不足的。 但是,你最终会意识到,这个「我是我所是」就是真正的爱,以一种爱你自己的方式,而不是爱那个自我——自我根本不存在,它纯粹由过去组成,它由你的名字、身体、形式组成。 It is who you are right now. You are aware that you're listening. Who is aware? Who? You might say me, but if you look for me, there is no me, there's no such thing as me, but I am, yes, I am listening, that ‘I am’ is all you need. 我说的是在此时的你是谁。你觉知到你在聆听。是谁在觉知?谁?你可能会说:「是我。」 但如果你找寻「我」,并没有「我」,并没有被称为「我」的东西。只有「我是」,是的,「我是」在聆听,那个「我是」是你需要的。 If you close your eyes for a moment and say ‘I am that I am’ and you pray to that I am, be still and know I am God, then you begin to understand how great and beautiful and wonderful you are. But it is not the personal, that is born and dies, it is departing you the kingdom of God. The ‘I am’ that knows no beginning and no end and that is you right now. I am that, and when you pray to that, you feel complete you feel good.  如果你闭上眼睛待一会,说:「我是我所是。」而且你向那个「我是」祈祷,「静默,然后知道我是上主。」那么你就开始明白,你是多么的伟大、美丽和妙不可言。 但这不是个人的,个人有出生和死亡,正是这个个人使你与上主的天国分离。那个「我是」知道没有开始,也没有结束,那就是此时此刻的你。「我是」「那个」,而当你向「那个」祈祷,你感到完整,你觉得很好。 Sometimes people ask me, Burt, you live alone and don't you feel lonely, don't you crave company? Well yes, I do sure, but I never feel alone, and that is the whole thing, because I pray a great deal, and when I pray I feel good. I feel good because I'm one with myself, I am no longer longing for something outside of me, I'm no longer needing anything, I am complete. And then when I look around me, I see people and animals and nature, and they are I am, there's nothing separate. 有时人们会问我:Burt,你一个人住,难道你不觉得孤单吗?不渴望陪伴吗?」 嗯,是的,的确是这样,但我从未觉得孤单,就是这么一回事,因为我大量的祈祷,而当我祈祷时,我感觉很好。 我感觉好,是因为我与自己合一,我不再向往在我之外的任何东西,我不再需要任何东西,我是完整的。然后,当我环顾四周,我看到人、动物和自然,他们就是「我是」,没有什么是分裂的。 So, I leave you with this. If you begin to get this, you're wonderful. Many blessings.I am. Thank you 所以,我留给你们这个(视频分享)。如果你开始明白这个,会是多么美妙啊!衷心祝福。「我是」。谢谢! By Burt Harding

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