Sunday, April 25, 2021

Frequently Asked Questions About Qigong Bigu

Frequently Asked Questions About Qigong Bigu

1.What are the differences between Bigu and Starving/Dieting?

Bigu: Gastric acid secretion is stopped by powerful treatments from Bigu instructor, which well protects your body and also prevents you from feeling hungry;

The potential invisible energy channel is activated by treatments, which enables your body to live on more advanced universal energies and makes the metabolism very normal and even better during Bigu;

You are able to work normally and exercise normally. The second week of Bigu, you feel very refreshed and full of vitality.

After Bigu, you enjoy better energetic flow, feeling a lot healthier and more fulfilled. You naturally don’t feel like too much food or too heavy food anymore.


Gastric acid secretion carries on, which causes strong sense of hunger and serious damages to the body.

Your body is cut off from source of energies.  

It is very likely that you feel like eating heavier meals after starving to make up for the lack of energies.

2.What do I eat or drink during Bigu?
You only need to drink pure water or light-flavoured water. Some simple meditation practice is required for feeling better. Your body lives on universal energies that provide 
vital Qi (Prana) and comprehensive nutrition. 

3.Do I need to stop working during Bigu? How long  should I do Bigu?
Mental workers and light physical workers are still able to work during Qigong Bigu and even enjoy better clarity in thinking. 
How long for bigu depends on your goal. The recommendation is 14 days, which is safe and practicable for most people and gives best results. If you wish to get a more complete healing and rejuvenation, then you may follow your individual number of days or do 14-day Bigu regularly. 

4. Do I need to be strong in order to do Qigong Bigu?
There is no requirement to be physically strong to do Qigong bigu. Many high-performing bigu students had serious diseases, such as cancer, diabetes, hypertension, adiposis etc. In fact, the more unwell a person is, the more he needs bigu for holistic detox and self-healing.

5. How many kgs can I lose by Qigong bigu? What will happen if I'm skinny?

Bigu helps to cleanse and heal your whole digestive system ,which balances your weight and bodyfigure. Overweight people will naturally lose 5-20kgs of weight within 14 days. Because all the digestive organs will function much better in processing food after Bigu detox, your bodyfigure will be able to easily remain nice and balanced. 
Underweight people may gain some weight after bigu to reach a balance as 
digestive system will absorb nutrition in a healthy way after self-cleansing.
Your skin will be much smoother and give a nicer glow because blood will circulate much better than before Bigu.

6.Will Qigong Bigu help me break addictions or compulsive habits?
Yes, definitely . Addictions or compulsiveness are usually caused by physical blockage or mental stress. Once your body is holistically cleansed, the tension and stress within will be released,  you will feel so relaxed and so peaceful that you won't have to
 ease your nerves through any form of addiction. It is just a natural effect of Bigu, with no suffering or struggling.

7. How many times do I need to come to you and what do you do?
Three or more visits are required for the whole Bigu program. 
For the first visit, I press some points with inner power, activate your potential energy channel and teach simple practice for you to follow. The  visits during bigu are for follow-up and further support. When you decide to finish Bigu fasting, you need to see me for points releasing and instrustion on how to eat again properly. In-between visits , we keep in contact by phone and I support you by praying for you everyday remotely. 

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