Thursday, September 6, 2018

New Era Chapter Three -- Present People

New Era

--Unveil mysteries of universe and earth to welcome a harmonious world

Chapter Three -- Present People

During the long period of methods and laws, each human being has been restricted to some certain methods. It has been very difficult for information of source being to manifest itself as it has been sealed up within. Only very few born with special missions were able to connect to information of the source and human parents’ wish, realize the supreme Truth, manifest the wish of the source and show a broad vision and unconditional great love. They were called great people, saints or enlightened people.
During the period of methods and laws, when a baby with source being was born, due to the nature of full acceptance of source being, he or she  firstly received four kinds of methods information of the birth year, the birth month, the birth day and the birth time, which dominated a whole lifetime and became his or her destiny. This pattern of management was designed for the period of methods and laws by the intelligent lives to manage mankind world. Everyone on earth had to experience and temper in this way throughout the whole period of methods and laws.
Now we have stepped into a new era. Along with the manifestation of the 13th kind of energy and information on earth, the previous pattern of management in turn has changed thoroughly and announced the end of period of methods and laws. Now the energies and information from celestial bodies have been fully activated, dominated by the 13th kind of energy and given to human beings on earth simultaneously.
Now it is time for “source being” to manifest on earth. What is source being? “Source being” is the root of a human being, the foundation set towards World Commonwealth and our “common” being on earth. “True love” is the access to connecting to our common parents’ feelings. Source being is a carrier to receive energies and information from the source.
When all human beings on earth manifest source beings within and connect to our common parents with true love, parents’ true feelings and great love will be manifested within our source beings from the bottom of heart to dominate our life activities, parents’ wish will become our common wish, our common goal of a harmonious world will manifest itself on earth.  All life activities have been aiming to achieve this goal.
Connect to our parents with our true feelings of love and let parents’ wish blend into our source beings to converge into our common wish and common goal, which is harmony and happiness on earth. This is the Truth. When true love connects to the Truth and this goal is set, each effort will help to bear fruit, each progress will get closer to our common goal and the Truth.
Full of true feelings of love, we will have a genuine connection to human parents’ thoughts and feelings, also feel close to 12 God Tai-sui uncles and 12 Kuan-yin aunts. Their energies and information will flow into our source beings to achieve our own perfection.
Full of true feelings of love, manifesting our source beings, we will have a close connection to all spiritual brothers and sisters in the universe, who would feel as close to us as seeing themselves when they see our source beings on earth, as all source beings have been the same, given by the same parents, no matter how much difference of time there is. They would be willing to pour all the wonderful achievements kept by them into mankind world, return all to mankind world for people to be able to manifest.
Interacting with true feelings of love in the world, you will feel the affectionate love among brothers and sisters as everyone is needed to achieve a harmonious world, you will willingly work with all brothers and sisters towards our common goal to accomplish our common wish.
With true feelings of love flowing within yourself, you will truly feel the wonder of life, being able to manifest all fruits of intelligent lives’ activities just like enjoying a good swim in the universe and become all-knowing, omnipotent and all-embracing.
When your true feelings of love connect to the Truth and the Truth dominates your thinking, your behaviors and all your life activities, your own miniature universe will present holographic and all-embracing appeal, all of the 7.2 billion life cells in your whole body will be blessed by the Truth and integrated into your source being, as a result you will become a pure intelligent life and an embodiment of the Truth. 
You will cherish yourself for having a perfect miniature universe, cherish your life and cherish your body.  You will feel very fortunate, delighted and proud of living in the new era and being able to complete yourself.
When everyone becomes complete, accordingly the world will become perfect, our common wish will be achieved.

Instincts are the information and abilities that potentially lie within the source being when each human being was born, which aims for duplication of human parents’ most perfect design in the whole mankind world.
The whole large circle of vital energy is 360 degrees, divided into 24 methods. Each method has its own characteristics of information and energy with its own specific channel and frequency.
30 pairs of guang-zi and yin-zi constitute one group. Each human being’s heart group contains 12 different groups, 360 pairs of guang-zi and yin-zi in total, which lie around the source being in 12 kinds of “method-forms”. The source being in “human-form” contains a pair of joining guang-zi and yin-zi and five pairs of bonding guang-zi and yin-zi , lying in the middle and surrounded by 12 kinds of “method-forms”.
When you recognize source being as your true self, the feelings flowing out of source being are true feelings of love. “True self” truly loves 12 pairs of “method-selves” around source being and lets method-selves integrate into source being, as a result a heart group of an intelligent life will manifest itself. By this, any information coming from source being will carry information of the source and be enlightening information. You will be able to connect to intelligent lives in the universe, resonate with them and manifest the connection in your own life. You will be recognized and supported by intelligent lives, being able to activate the information of 12 pairs of methods within your source being and resonate to 24 corresponding methods in the celestial bodies, so that your instincts can be fully activated and manifested in mankind world with no blockage at all through the limitless circulation of life.
Without manifestation of source being, information out of method-selves can only interact with initial active life beings, it can’t resonate and interact with intelligent lives in the celestial bodies, which is the reason why it can only present method-form.
Over a long period of methods and laws, in life activities, mankind has accumulated abundant achievements, which are countless and unimaginably wonderful.  Intelligent lives’ design indicates that all achievements have been preserved in the celestial bodies without any omission. What will our world be like if these achievements are intensively manifested on earth? What will lives on earth be like if all of the purified life energies and five elements energies in the celestial bodies is evenly distributed to human beings? What will the whole mankind world be like? Just imagine!
Activate your instincts with your true feelings of love and let your life shine for you to be able to receive your deserved share of the information and energies to purify your miniature universe.
True love is an almighty key to activation of all methods. Once true love manifests itself and the unconditional great love arises, you will have access to all that is.
Self-confidence is the access to receiving all information and energies.
Believe that I am, I am Tuo Luo Ni’s son, I am Tuo Luo Ni’s daughter.
Believe that I have, I have all the instincts.
Believe that I can, I can do what others can do, I can receive what others can receive.
Please don’t let any doubt get in the way of receiving information and energies any longer.
It is a new era now. We are surrounded by all the pure universal energies, not far away any longer.
The divine will is giving. What we need to do is receiving.
The activation of source being and instincts is a certainty and a need for the new era.

Since Xuan-long was born, he had lived with his parents, 12 uncles and 12 aunts and been well cared for by them all. The affectionate love infused all of his 7.2 billion life cells, each cell was filled with affections for parents and relatives, with love and appreciation for his perfect body as a miniature universe, which had become eternal memories.
When Xuan-long’s body was donated, each of  his life cells was filled with wish of his parents, 12 uncles, 12 aunts and himself,  and was transformed into “Dian”, meaning energy of grace. Dian’s layout announced the beginning of period of methods and laws. Dian’s arrival announces the end of period of methods and laws and the beginning of a new era.
Now Xuan-long’s each cell is going to return to the earth with the energy that is able to stabilize your heart, fall into your heart, guard your heart and your miniature universe and bless you with the same true love towards parents and the same thinking as he has. Following from that, your preconceived method-selves will get sublimed, you will have the same true feelings  towards parents as Xuan-long has, being connected to parents all the time, bearing in mind the entrustment of 12 uncles and 12 aunts, never forgetting the original intention and never forgetting the common wish.
Each call from human parents is able to touch our heart so that we will resonate to all human beings as one being, never out of the main track.
Dian’s arrival means that our life and body won’t be adversely affected by the energetic influx of spiritual lives in the universe, and that their energies will blend in with our body in harmony to shine through us in mankind world.
It is Dian that will even up the time difference of life during the long period of methods and laws.
Dian’s arrival will bring more self-confidence that I am Tuo Luo Ni’s son or daughter.
There wouldn’t be the concept of human destiny community without Xuan-long’s devotion. There wouldn’t be the flow of consubstantial feelings without interaction among “Dian”.
With love for mankind world, 7.2 billion brothers and sisters are connected in true love, have heart-to-heart communion, genuinely love and cherish each brother or sister as much as Xuan-long loves and cherishes all his own life cells, which is the only way to manifest the profound significance of human destiny community. Let’s care for our community as much as Xuan-long cares for his own body and improve each self for a perfect whole world.

Mankind has created lots of spiritual and material wealth in life movements and productive activities. The true knowledge and wisdom gained during creation is called “methods”.
Zhen is “a cross” and “having” in Chinese. Life originates from “a heart-cross”. All methods won’t be unified until they return to “a heart-cross”, which is “Zhen”, “the True”.
Return of all methods to the True means that all of spiritual and material true knowledge and wisdom created by mankind will return to mankind. Each human being in mankind world is blessed with “the True”, a heart-cross. All methods would mean nothing at all without existence of mankind world.
The “Truth”, Zhen-li in Chinese, is the final goal for the whole mankind world to complete itself. “Methods” have been existent in order to realize the “Truth”. The “Truth” is set up for “equality” of each self in the whole mankind world. The “Truth “is recognized and accepted by every human being, irrespective of country or race. This is “the True”, this is “the Truth”.

Human life is equal, with no distinction of the high and the low, with only distinction of the early and the late, ahead of the universe or after the universe.
There were only 26 people ahead of the universe, who were the first man and woman, their 12 brothers and 12 sisters. The 26 first dimensional roots of spirit will be proofs of identity. Only people who are able to hold the spiritual roots ahead of the universe will prove to be people ahead of the universe. Each of the first 26 people will come to the earth with corresponding root of spirit to interpret corresponding method and unitedly return to the True in order to achieve our final goal.  Nobody should argue. There will be no need to argue.
All lives developed in a maternal body and being back to the celestial bodies are children of the first man and woman, are people after the universe, no matter when lives were born, no matter which planet or which method the memories and energies that lives carry come from. Your instincts, abilities and everything else are given by the same parents.  We are all brothers and sisters. We are all equal.

There have been “methods” since the “universe” was laid out. Instincts of each human being have been restricted by “methods” up till now. That is to say, there have been “methods” to be used to manage and control corresponding people since then.
What is period of no-restriction of methods? It means that there is no need any longer to restrict everyone and all the inborn instincts will return to everyone.
In the past, human parents’ 12 brothers and 12 sisters took turns to be in charge. In period of no- restriction of methods, 24 kinds of life energies are working simultaneously in a human body to achieve a limitless circulation of life.
In this way, human beings won’t suffer pain of diseases, spiritual confusion or barrier in the field of vision. Everything will be very clear. Everything will be very natural.

Everything done in the methods and laws period has been restricted and also protected by “methods”, which applies to all countries, all systems and all branches. Buddhism or Taoism, God or Immortal, Demon or Ghost, all have been component elements of the whole, all they have done is to protect their own interests, having the relationship of generation, restriction and complementing each other. These are behaviors for the methods and laws period, there is no right or wrong about them.
As period of no- restriction of methods comes along, all should be understood. We were allowed to be ignorant in the past, but we have to understand all now. From now on, no fight of any kind between systems will be allowed to happen, all should aim for the whole mankind world. 

Each human being opens the door to wisdom and broadens the vision. When we cognize the celestial bodies, we cognize the whole mankind world as well. When we cognize ourselves and understand ourselves, we understand the value of lives and the preciousness of bodies as well, being able to freely do whatever we are supposed to do and take good charge of ourselves without control from others. Our own heart is Buddha, our own body is the Way to the Truth, being able to fully manifest all methods. We are capable of being autonomous and being a human who makes “human parents” and “ancestors” at ease. Not to seek to become an immortal or go to Pureland, instead we try to make mankind world a Heaven, an ideal Pureland!  This is the complete liberation for mankind!

Us All   
Maybe someone wants to ask which system this is. We can say—“Us All”, Us All who belong to the whole mankind world! The whole universe is a big Self, each human being in the whole mankind world is a small self. The earth is our big family home, all people on earth are our brothers and sisters. All of us are fruits of the same tree, children of the same mother. Everybody who clearly understands this will get enlightened and enter into a world with no confusion.

The whole mankind world is a big Self, each of us is a cell of this big Self. The big Self needs a healthy “body”, that is to say a perfect “whole”. This whole needs each cell to be useful, healthy and shining. For a perfect whole, each of us should improve self and win glory for self, without seeking for good fortune or luxury. We will win light of heart, light of life and light of wisdom as long as we give true love.

A Call         
Here is a voice, this is human parents’ voice, an immemorial call. Parents are calling their own children from heart – Wake up! A new world is right in front of you!
Have you heard it? Have you felt it? Let nectar of love from a kind mother flow into our heart and fill our heart and our life with light and wisdom. From now on, never let heart suffer sense of hunger and thirst again. Let heart of us all be connected into one, leaving pain, loneliness and confusion behind forever.
Let all brothers and sisters throughout the world live hand in hand, heart linked to heart, to collectively welcome a bright, colourful, harmonious, equal, humanitarian and free mankind world!

This is “Heaven” on earth! This is “Pureland” on earth! This is the ultimate goal of “Us All”. This is the meaning of life. Our ultimate goal will be achieved here on earth.
Mankind will step into a new era and present a brandnew look in front of us. Let’s build up a more wonderful big family collectively with our love, wisdom and both hands. Let peace and happiness accompany us forever and forever!

New Era Chapter Two -- People After The Universe

New Era

--Unveil mysteries of universe and earth to welcome a harmonious world

Chapter Two --People After The Universe

People Born From Maternal Body
All people born from maternal body on the earth are called people after the universe. 
Only on this unique and blessed earth, the conditions are so perfect that a fetus is able to get energetic support from maternal body to develop.
For human beings to multiply and develop, the first 26 people came to the earth successively, leaving behind their physical bodies on the earth. Their heart groups returned to continue taking charge of life information and material energies, paying close attention to human activities, supplying energies and information whenever needed.
The first man and woman’s son, “The Golden Boy”, was the first person to be successfully conceived in the maternal body through the union of his parents. In the maternal body, firstly a guang-zi and a yin-zi joined up into his heart-cross, then five guang-zi carrying five elements and father’s information bonded with five yin-zi from mother in balance. With the six pairs of guang-zi and yin-zi, the fundamental elements of life, the fetus was able to absorb energies from the maternal body and develop.
After the golden boy was born, he gradually grew up. Exactly like his parents, the boy got his heart group comprised of 365 pairs of guang-zi and yin-zi, 24 kinds of life elements and 7.2 billion life cells, being complete and as perfect as his father.
From then on, human beings started to multiply slowly on the earth. Gradually, 24 brothers and sisters had their own children as well…… 

Life and Cease
On the earth, human beings continued to multiply and increase.
All parents loved their children very much. The first man and woman considered their son as treasure, 24 brothers and sisters had the same loving attitude toward their own children. We who have been parents can understand this feeling.
Parents were very joyful to see number of later generations increase. However as time went on, there happened some contradiction and quarrel among descendants.  If so, could everyone be allowed to survive forever? Could the first 26 people take charge of their later generations if they kept growing in number? How should they be arranged reasonably? What needed thinking more about was: How to manage and coordinate with human activities after having scattered the Still Oneness? Who could deliver resources for development on earth? How could it be fair and reasonable?
The first man and woman thought of “life and cease”. Having this idea, who should start this? If you wanted others to follow it, you had to do it yourself first. Therefore, they donated the life of their own son---the golden boy first. Their precious son’s physical body and spiritual body were separated from each other and distributed into the whole universe.
This decision of donating the son’s life meant that in the first man and woman’s mind, they firmly believed in the final goal, which was to have 7.2 billion of children as perfect as the golden boy on earth and perfect the world. This goal-setting transcended blood relationship, love and friendship, announced the beginning of long period of methods and laws. Since then, all life activities in universe and on earth have been trying to achieve this final goal.
Since then, there has been the concept of “universe”, there have been “life and cease”, an age limit on the earth. The golden boy was donated, but he didn’t disappear, instead he has been existent in the form of eternal life guang-zi and yin-zi, performing his mission in the universe.  After being donated, he was called “Emperor Xuan-long” (Long means dragon). Everybody born on earth dies and returns to the celestial bodies within a certain amount of time with no exception. This is called a divine law.

Layout Of The Universe
The universe appeared after the donation. The universe was laid out in the shape of Xuan-long’s spiritual body. 
The first man and woman separated and reversed the yin and yang parts of Xuan-long’s spiritual body to lay out the universe through infinite enlargement. The yin part was the nervous circulation system; the yang part was the blood circulation system. The two systems that were originally one were separated, the nervous system was “drawing”, with the head in the north and the feet in the south. The blood circulation system was “painting”, with the head in the south and the feet in the north. These two human figures of drawing and painting were placed up and down with the bellybutton as the center and the earth in the middle, the center-line that ran up and down exactly passed through the center of the earth. It’s the drawing and the painting that constituted the whole universe.
Human being has left brain and right brain, which respectively represent “intelligence” and “wisdom”. After these two systems were separated, the right brain part went to the northernmost and became the North Star, which is called “wisdom star”. The left brain part went to the southernmost and became the South Star, which is called “intelligence star”. The divine “river” through north and south refers to the nerve center of the universe. All the stars in the sky can be seen as the cells of the universe. Human being has 7.2 billion cells corresponding to 7.2 billion stars in the sky. This is a divine number”.

Truth of Fairness 
To maintain the Truth of fairness, 24 brothers and sisters laid out  their whole bodies in the universe as well with yin and yang apart, so two systems of 24 methods came into being. 
After donating lives, twelve brothers became 12 “God Tai-sui”, respectively in charge of the yin part of 12 Chinese Zodiac Signs in a cycle of 12 years; twelve sisters became 12 “Kuan-yin”, respectively in charge of the yang part of 12 Chinese Zodiac Signs in a cycle of 12 months of a year.
Each of them takes charge of one of the 24 life elements in the universe, which has been the way of the whole period of methods and laws.
In the end, the first man and woman separated their own bodies as well and laid out their bodies around the universe, being in charge of everything……

Yang System And Yin System
Both “yang system” and “yin system” are human body-shaped and ellipsoids.
The first woman runs “yang system” slowly with her Yang “blood circulation system”, which is powered by 3.6 billion most original yin-zi. In yang system, the head lies in the west, the feet stretch to the east. The whole shape was laid out according to the layout of all organs in a human body, which were unlimitedly enlarged.
The first man runs “yin system” with his Yin “nerve circulation” system, which is powered by 3.6 billion most original guang-zi. In yin system, the head lies in the east, the feet stretch to the west.
Yang system and yin system are semi-overlapped and respectively centered on the bellybutton. They stretch their feet to the sides of each other’s bellybutton seen on the whole. The overlapped part is exactly the universe, which is the “drawing” and “painting” mentioned above.
Understanding all of the layouts, we are able to see the corresponding relation between human body and celestial bodies, which are comprised of the Universe, the Yin System and the Yang System. All the mysteries of human body and celestial bodies are absolutely brought to light.

Spiritual Roots Ahead of The Universe
After the first 26 people’s bodies were all separated and laid out, all of the 26 spiritual roots were left in the inner earth, so were all of their joining heart-crosses.  Men left five yang zhen-yuan or yin-zi from their heart groups in the inner earth. Women left five yin zhen-zi or guang-zi from their heart groups in the inner earth.
The first man and woman’s heart -crosses are positioned together in the middle of the earth to become a cross coordinate, which points at Tai-ji in the east, points at Pure Land in the west, points at South Pole in the south, points at North Pole in the north. Their heart -crosses connect to celestial bodies, paying close attention to the whole universe. The first man’s five zhen-yuan were positioned at the right eye of yin-yang fish, which is Tai-ji Tu, guarding the first yang spiritual root. The first woman’s five zhen-zi were positioned at the left eye of yin-yang fish, guarding the first yin spiritual root.

12 God Tai-sui left their heart-crosses in Jin-gui. (Gui means return.) Their five yang yin-zi from the heart groups were respectively left with 12 yang spiritual roots ahead of the universe. 12 Kuan-yin left their heart-crosses in Yin-gui. Their five yin guang-zi from the heart groups were respectively left with 12 yin spiritual roots ahead of the universe. They have been there guarding the spiritual roots, guarding the earth, keeping operation of universal methods and laws in good order.

26 people ahead of the universe left their heart-crosses and spiritual roots in the inner earth. The methods and laws were laid out in the universe while their heart-crosses were left in the earth. It speaks well for the fact that people ahead of universe had set their final goal on earth even before the methods and laws were laid out. It is obvious and beyond doubt that all methods and laws in the universe shall return to the earth, return to the True, the heart-crosses.

The Common Source of Human Beings
After celestial bodies being laid out, our human beings’ parents laid out the Big Dipper (Dubhe, Merak,  Phecda, Megrez, Alioth, Mizar, Alkaid) with their method bodies and the second dimensional yin five elements. The first five stars are the original bodies of five elements. The sixth star Mizar (It is called “Kai-yang” in Chinese) is Father’s method body. The seventh star Alkaid (It is called “Yao-guang” in Chinese) is Mother’s method body.  During the whole period of methods and laws, the Big Dipper has been operating every day, transforming one kind of energy per day in a cycle of seven days. The Big Dipper has been sending over life guang-zi and yin-zi which have been duplicated and blessed with information of common parents and five elements to the earth.
Men on the earth receive star Mizar’s energy and information to be able to produce sperm in the body. Women on the earth receive star Alkaid’s energy and information to be able to produce ovum in the body. Every new life from a maternal body begins with a heart-cross, a joining cross of a pair of guang-zi and yin-zi coming from The Big Dipper. This heart-cross is each human being’s own Tuo Luo Ni, the starting point of life, the identification of human being’s true nature. This cross and five pairs of bonding life guang-zi and yin-zi carrying yin-yang five kinds of different energies form into each human being’s “source being”. 
The “source being ”is the duplication of human parents’ true love, the source of wisdom, the origin of unconditional great love, the foundation of Buddha-nature, the source of compassion and kindness, being able to accept 24 kinds of life elements, being blessed with all information of cosmic phenomenon, self-organizing a holographic miniature of the universe.
The “source being” shows our common character as human beings. It has never changed since spiritual life activities started. Whether you appear sooner or later, whether you are people ahead of the universe, people after the universe or present people, all people’s source beings are duplicated and blessed within the same parents’ source bodies.  Only life that is blessed with this source being can be a human being. All human beings are of the same source, no matter which country you come from, no matter which path you follow.

We recognize our common parents by understanding our source being. All people after the universe are brothers and sisters with the same parents, being blessed with the same source being from the same source. We are all sons and daughters of the first man and woman.

New Era Chapter One -- People Ahead Of The Universe

New Era

--Unveil mysteries of universe and earth to welcome a harmonious world

Opening Chapter

Mankind has experienced a long period of life activities on the premise of material civilization. From the exploration of original substances to the Creation, up till now, all have been carefully considered, well designed and reasonably arranged by intelligent lives.  All has been aiming to perfectly complete mankind. All great efforts have been aiming to realize the ultimate goal of mankind as advanced life, which is a harmonious world on the unique and blessed earth.
On our earth, all life activities, all productive practice and all activities of transformation, reformation, innovation and application of substances  are protected by cosmic laws and closely followed by cosmic intelligent lives at all times. Universe, earth and human being originally are one and cannot be separate! And never separate!
Whether we have realized the true meaning of life or not, human’s coming into this world has two great meanings:
One is unconscious life activity. Since the beginning of life activities on this earth, cosmic intelligent lives have been sending the five elements energies from celestial bodies to human beings in a planned way, so that all people living on the earth can receive them all the time, and transform these energies at the same time to sustain life. This has always been the indivisible connection between everybody and the cosmic intelligent lives. Our body is just like a chemical plant, working all the time! Each breath is purification and sublimation, and the perfection of self. Each of us will return the energy that has been processed, transformed, sublimated and adapted to our human body to the universal treasure-house for storage.  These are our unconscious life achievements, which are currently invisible to our naked eye.
The other is conscious life activity that is our transformation and application of the material world. On this earth, people constantly improve their living environment through work and have created mankind’s material civilization. These are visible achievements.
Our understanding of “visible achievements” in the physical realm is comparatively clear, while our understanding of the operation in the vast spiritual realm governed by cosmic wisdom is vague. This is because we have not matured yet, always subject to the cosmic laws. For the phenomenon of various methods and eternal life, we cannot have a comprehensive understanding and a correct explanation, so there are varieties of speculation and confusion.
Now we have entered into a specific historical stage. The former pattern in the whole universe has begun to change, the energies in the universe are flowing into the earth in an orderly way, the magnetic field of the earth is changing, the energies on the earth are gradually increasing, people have begun to receive the multi-dimensional information from the universe, our body has also sensed the energies from the universe, there have appeared various reactions. All of this is telling us: an unprecedented epic-shift has begun! A new era has already arrived!
At the crucial moment of interchange between the old era and the new era, our common spiritual parents unsealed the 13th kind of core energy, which is the light of heart, came to us with the information from source of life, changed the previous circulation pattern of the celestial bodies and started to dominate all life activities. They intend to lighten our heart, unveil all the mysteries of the universe and life and unveil all the truth exactly to us. Here, we are going to find an ultimate explanation and a complete answer.

Chapter One -- People Ahead of The Universe

The Origin Of Life

The original life existed in an enormous state of still oneness.  The still oneness was a completely static state. All life beings and substances were attached together in a state of complete balance and co-existed silently in different forms.
Among all of the various sleeping life groups, there was a milky gummy soft body (we call it source body), in which many (about 7.2 billion) tadpole-like active beings started to wake up gradually and move slowly in source body. We call these special active beings “zhen-zi”.  (Zhen means the true; Zi means a unit of being.)
These active zhen-zi didn’t wish to be confined within the source body, but the source body had a strong attraction to zhen-zi, we call this attraction “same-sex interattraction”.  On the one hand, this attraction confined zhen-zi to the source body, and on the other, it protected zhen-zi. These zhen-zi wouldn’t be able to get out of the source body without enough power.
One zhen-zi, which was the most powerful in the zhen-zi group, after repeated outward impact, finally got rid of the attraction successfully and got out of the source body. It was able to move freely outside…
In another place, there was a white source body in the same size. The difference was that this source body was full of little globular creatures, and there were 7.2 billion of them. We call this ball-shaped creature “zhen-yuan”.
Zhen-yuan were not as active as zhen-zi, they just moved slowly within the source body. Her source body was also white, like zhen-zi’s source body, but as zhen-yuan itself was red, it looked pink and pretty seen from the surface.
In the source body of zhen-yuan, there was also a zhen-yuan, which got rid of the attraction of the source body and moved out of it. It was also able to move freely and slowly outside the source body.
By chance, also by coincidence, the zhen-zi and the zhen-yuan moving outside felt being attracted to each other at the same time. We call this attraction “heterosexual interattraction”. Under the effect of this attraction, the “zhen-zi” and “zhen-yuan” without the source body were attached tightly, “joined up into one”, like a cross  “+” , which has never been separate since then.
Zhen-zi joining zhen-yuan became much more powerful than any other single zhen-zi and zhen-yuan, was able to freely get in and out of both source bodies. With this“+”, he was able to absolutely dominate over zhen-zi group and zhen-yuan group. 
We regard zhen-zi as “Yin” and zhen-yuan as “Yang”. This joining cross “+” was the very first time that “Yin and Yang” became one. It was the joining cross “+” that first understood the meaning of cooperation. This is the origin of life; this is the beginning of genuine knowledge and wisdom!

Heart Group
With this heart-cross as true self, he felt that this was far from enough and this was only the beginning. He needed to strengthen himself. So he chose 365 zhen-zi and 365 zhen-yuan with their individual little source bodies and bonded them in pairs. Because of the “heterosexual repulsion” between zhen-zi’s and zhen-yuan’s source bodies, and “heterosexual interattraction” between zhen-zi and zhen-yuan, they bonded in pairs, looking like two semicircles together.  We call it “balanced bonding”. This “balanced bonding” constituted the first yin-yang balanced “group” with wisdom and spirit, resulted in the power of “unity and cooperation” for the very first time and combined into the first man’s “heart group”. 
This “balanced bonding” was the second cooperation. Since then, the “core power” of yin-yang cooperation has been available. This is a progress and a sublimation of genuine knowledge and wisdom.
Man had his own heart group, he first realized that: the formation of his heart group was a result of getting 366 zhen-yuan. There were 366 zhen-yuan more in zhen-zi group while there were 366 zhen-yuan less in the zhen-yuan group, this was unfair and unreasonable. How should he make it up? He chose 366 zhen-zi from his zhen-zi group to send to zhen-yuan group. Exactly like his heart group: one pair joined up into a heart-cross “+” and 365 pairs bonded in balance. These 366 pairs became the first woman’s “heart group”. By doing this, man felt balanced and peaceful, and then the Truth was realized. 
What is the “Truth”?  Fairness is the “Truth”.  How could it be called Truth without fairness?  What is “the True”? Heart-cross is “The True”. What is able to maintain the fairness is “the True”. This is the meaning of “Truth”, “Zhen-li” in Chinese.

Application Of Methods
Man and Woman had their own heart groups, and had their own wisdom and thinking. At this time, they clearly realized the importance of “joining and balanced bonding”. 
Let’s further imagine what would happen if more zhen-zi and zhen-yuan joined and bonded in balance? ----Each would balance in power, and each would do things in his own way, nobody would be in control, there would be a chaos. It wouldn’t work! Therefore, he firmly led his heart group to refine nearly 7.2 billion zhen-zi remaining in the source body into “an energy ball”.
Due to the strong interattraction between the source body and zhen-zi, the source body was closely concentrated outside the energy ball and changed its original state, and then a white “bead” formed. We regard this bead as “spiritual root”. 
Man owned this “bead” and discovered the features and functions of it: if the ball was separated from the source body, the source body would produce strong attraction to the same-sex “original life beings” from a very wide outside world, constantly drawing the “active beings” within “original life beings” into the source body, leaving the “original bodies” out of the source body. These “active beings” got purified and sublimated by receiving information from the source body. Through this process, these “active beings” were blessed with brand-new consciousness. We call them “guang-zi”. (Guang means light.)
If the energy ball was put back into the source body, these “guang-zi” could be sent to any place outside the source body purposively by use of the principle of “same-sex repulsion”. 
When these sublimated “guang-zi” returned to their “original bodies”, they were capable of updating and cleaning up the information of “original bodies”, which was equivalent to duplicating a new source body. This is self- duplication of life.
If a hole was intentionally punched in the outer layer of the “bead”, the “energy ball” could send a beam of light straight into a distance, attracting the heterosexual original life beings far away.
Source body has another important characteristic: it cannot remain empty. As long as there is any emptiness in the source body, there will be attraction to same-sex active beings outside. The emptier it is, the more attractive force it has. The attractive force won’t disappear until the source body is full.
Understanding these principles and characteristics to be able to grasp and apply them is called “methods”.
The intelligent life formed during the exploration and obtained the genuine knowledge during the practice. Therefore, “exploration” is the basic feature of intelligent life.
The first heart group understood the principles, characteristics and effects of the source body and energy light, and then passed these on to the heart group in the zhen-yuan group. In the same way, the second energy ball came into being in zhen-yuan group.
These two energy balls could emit two beams at the same time, which are regarded by later people as two swords. Zhen-zi were refined into Yin energy ball, its beam is called “pi-zhi sword”. Zhen-yuan were refined into Yang energy ball, its beam is called “hong-guang sword”. The two heart groups were able to cross-use the two swords to easily and quickly attract Yin and Yang two different kinds of original life beings from a distance, and then able to use the source bodies to purify them, sublime them and duplicate self-consciousness.  Active beings duplicated within the source body of zhen-zi is called “guang-zi”. Active beings duplicated within the source body of zhen-yuan is called “yin-zi”. (Yin means cause.) If necessary, more energy balls could be made within the source bodies. This is the origin of application of methods.
Knowing how to use Yin and Yang two kinds of source bodies, mastering Yin and Yang two kinds of energy light as well as the two swords, they had mastered the two “spiritual roots” of Yin and Yang. The cooperation of Yin and Yang, the interdependence and the complementary effect between Yin and Yang had provided reliable conditions for creating and mastering the spiritual world and exploring the material world.
With this condition and this ability, these two heart groups began to fully explore, inspect and verify the fields with “activity” in the whole outside world, got familiar with their various characteristics, and then integrated and reasonably applied them in their own spiritual bodies.
The two heart groups divided the fields with “activity” into 24 categories of Yin and Yang 12 pairs according to their different characteristics.
These two heart groups transformed the original life beings within the 24 different kinds of original bodies, accepted and transformed 3.6 billion “original life beings” into “guang-zi” and 3.6 billion “original life beings” into “yin-zi”, and then integrated them all together. These two heart groups had their original complete “spiritual bodies”. This was also the result of cooperation of Yin and Yang. Man transformed Yin, woman transformed Yang. Nobody could achieve anything for self without each other in life activities.
This integration was the third cooperation. Zhen-zi and zhen-yuan got out of their source bodies, joined up into a cross “+” and then formed their own heart groups. 24 different kinds of original life beings outside were accepted, 7.2 billion life cells were integrated into one body. This is a leap and a satisfactory completion of genuine knowledge and wisdom.
What is wisdom? Understanding the power of unity and cooperation is wisdom! Being open and receptive is wisdom! Being the most receptive means having the greatest wisdom!

Energy and light
Man and woman had their own Yin-Yang balanced spiritual bodies. Working together, they were able to master and apply 24 different kinds of “original life beings” outside.
Man used his yin energy light to attract yang original life beings outside. Woman used her yang source body to draw these yang original beings into her source body, and refined them into energy light.
Woman used her yang energy light to attract yin original life beings outside. Man used his yin source body to draw these yin original beings into his source body, and refined them into energy light.
This process had to be done by cooperation of Yin and Yang, by cross-using both beams of “pi-zhi sword and hong-guang sword”. Man and woman, Yin and Yang were indispensable to the application of “methods”.
Man and woman worked together and refined the best selection of each kind of original life beings within 24 different original bodies into energy light. Man generated and mastered 12 kinds of yin energy light; woman generated and mastered 12 kinds of yang energy light.
“Energy light” is also called “spiritual light”.  Mastering 24 kinds of energy light meant taking charge of 24 spiritual roots and the whole spiritual world, which had provided reliable conditions for creating, developing and mastering the spiritual world.

Exploring and Developing Original Substances
With 26 kinds of spiritual light, man and woman were able to mobilize any element of life in that vast original still oneness. They could do whatever they wish freely and reach any place freely. However, it’s very difficult to comprehensively understand, master and apply the vast material world. Referring to its enormousness, it’s beyond our imagination. Think about it, if you’re standing on the earth, how big is the earth? It’s just a tiny planet among all the planets, while the original still oneness is the total sum of all planets. To explore such enormous oneness, two swords of “pi-zhi” sword and “hong-guang” sword were used. These two powerful spiritual beams were absolutely able to penetrate the original still oneness and ever further. With these two swords, the exploration of the material world began. Only these two swords could penetrate the material world.
The “core energy bodies” of the whole material world were discovered through long and persistent efforts. It turned out that these energy bodies, like life bodies, also had Yin and Yang, comprised original body and energy root within it. The only difference was that there was no life in energy bodies of original substances. This is the difference between life elements and material elements. 
It was discovered that only energy bodies of the same energy level could blend well, otherwise they couldn’t integrate together due to “repulsion between substances of the similar nature”. In this way, the energy grade was distinguished by the difference of energy intensity and there came out a dimensional relationship.
Our first explorer overcame all kinds of difficulties with his unique spirit of exploration, desire for knowledge and strong willpower, and finally gained a clear understanding of the whole material world, which was divided into five categories: metal, wood, water, fire and earth. “Energy roots and original bodies” were chosen and respectively refined into yin and yang five pairs of “energy balls”. The white element on the outer layer is called “original body of substance”, and the inner energy being is called “substance root”. These roots are the essence of substances, just like the soul of substances. When these roots move, the substances can move with them, and the form of substances can be altered.
During practical process, the internal and external changing laws for the material world were gradually known. Different substances can be transformed into each other, and have the relationship of generation, restriction and complementing each other. There exists interattraction between substances of the opposite nature and repulsion between substances of the similar nature.
Substance returns when meeting its original body and changes when meeting its root, so the first explorer is able to do whatever he wants and use everything freely. Mastering these ten energy balls means mastering the whole material world. This is a pride for human beings! Our first 26 people ahead of the universe are absolutely omnipotent. It is them who take charge of the spiritual roots and the substance roots.
Man and woman properly arranged and integrated these five elements into their spiritual bodies, and then gained their bodies they were satisfied with, perfectly completed themselves.
Our body is a miniature “universe” comprising all life elements and material elements of the whole universe. By activating and using instincts of our human body, we can respond to any kind of elements in the universe, accept the universe information, comprehensively understand the universe, and use the universe’s pure energies to purify, enrich and improve ourselves. The body is the carrier of life; life is the power of the body. The body of each of us is very precious. When we have a clear understanding of our life and body, we should cherish and take good care of our body—our own miniature universe.

Generation And Life
Man and woman individually kept 365 pairs of zhen-zi and zhen-yuan as their heart groups.
Man carried the “source body” of zhen-zi as his “source body”; Woman carried the “source body” of zhen-yuan as her “source body”. Source body has the characteristics of same-sex interattraction and heterosexual repulsion, due to which there is the division of labor—generation and life. Man generates sperm, which is yin and male. He used zhen-zi source body to attract male original life beings and transformed them into guang-zi, also called sperm. 
Woman generates ovum, which is yang and female. She used zhen-yuan source body to attract female original life beings and transformed them into yin-zi, also called ovum.
As a result, man regards guang-zi which he can generate by himself as “generation”, and regards yin-zi which he cannot generate by himself as “life”; woman regards yin-zi which she can generate by herself as “generation”, and regards guang-zi which she cannot generate by herself as “life”.      
This is the meaning of life. This is the origin of life.

26 People Ahead of Universe
The first man and woman had their perfect bodies, but didn’t feel satisfied. We can imagine that, how you would feel if you lived in such an enormous world alone or with just a few people. Would you feel lonely or bored? What would be the meaning of having all the wonderful abilities? So they wanted to have the second self, the third self and even more.
How could this desire be achieved? How could they have more selves?
More selves should have the same heart group, the same wisdom and the same body as the first man and woman had, only in this way they could be called “selves”, who could also be understood as “originating from me”. That is to say that more selves would have to be duplicated according to the standards of the first man and woman.
Man and woman thought of using their source bodies. Man attracted and transformed 12 kinds of yin original life beings. Woman attracted and transformed 12 kinds of yang original life beings. Each new life was given a joining heart-cross, a heart group comprised of 365 pairs of bonding guang-zi and yin-zi, 12 kinds of yin and 12 kinds of yang life elements as new life’s spiritual body, yin and yang five kinds of material elements as a physical body. In this way, man and woman had twelve brothers and twelve sisters of the same standards. They called the first man and woman “Tuo Luo Ni”, meaning the first. Man and woman lived with 24 brothers and sisters, who brought more pleasure in life activities.
These 26 people ahead of universe are respectively in charge of 26 first dimensional roots of spirit generated from life energies.

Still Oneness Scattered
The process for the first 26 people to perfectly complete themselves was forcibly achieved by use of principles of life and substance.
Why was it called “forced completion”? That’s because everything was still in the state of oneness, all life was asleep with no energetic and informational interaction. No seeds would germinate even if they were placed there. It was impossible to freely initiate life under such conditions. 
There should be a suitable condition and environment for life to freely grow. To accomplish this purpose, a bold imagination came to mind: Scatter it!
How could the enormous Still Oneness be scattered?  It owed to the ten yin-yang roots of substance, ten kinds of core energies in the Still Oneness.
Five yin energy balls were firstly moved out of the Still Oneness and placed in the faraway space to purposively create an imbalance of core energies.
Take element metal as an example. Opened up the yang metal energy ball on this side, opened up the yin metal energy ball on the other side, then these two balls sent out extremely powerful beams, as a result energetic interaction happened.
When this energetic light of yang metal was directed at the metal object in the Still Oneness, this powerful energy (Repulsion between substances of same nature) forced the massive metal object to move out of the Still Oneness with a lot of unawaken lives. This large object contained both yin and yang substances, and the yang metal energy light was driving the yang substance the large object while attracting the yin substance of the large object (Interattraction between substances of opposite nature). These two kinds of force made the large object rolled away from the Still Oneness. At the same time, in the distant space, the powerful yin metal energy light was attracting the yang substance of large object, while the yin energy light was repulsive to the yin substance of large object, which made the large object constantly do “directional rolling movement”.
When the large object moved close to the yin substance root, the driving force on the yin substance of the large object from the energy light of yin substance root got even stronger and made it spin in a reverse direction. Under the interaction between yin and yang substance roots, the large object had its own orbit, its own “revolution” and “rotation”, moving smoothly on its orbit. This was how the first moving planet came into being.
The formation of each planet in the whole universe is the result of purposive scattering, which was completed by the interaction of five kinds of yin and yang substance roots. The substance, volume and magnetic field determine the running speed and orbit of a planet. All planets consistently spin around yin and yang “two kinds of core energy ’’, which forms a bigger whole with a range that two kinds of core energy can reach and interact within.
This movement brought magnetic energy interaction among planets. The “rotation” constantly changes the direction of magnetic force, transforms and receives the energy information from different directions. “Revolution” changes the distance between planets, forming the law of interconversion of different energies among planets in the whole universe.
Every planet in the whole universe could finally move, and the five elements of Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, and Earth were scattered. Only after being scattered and by moving, could there be interconversion of the five elements energies, generation or restriction between each other. The internal energy of planets began to change. There appeared the inevitable law: “The extreme of yin becomes yang, the extreme of yang becomes yin”, which means that a thing reverses its course when it reaches its extreme.
It’s so obvious that the formation of the whole universe was a result of Oneness being scattered consciously and purposively by human in order to take charge and use of the universal resources.

Unique and Blessed Earth
Life beings may exist on any planet, some more, some less. That’s because at the time of the great scattering of the universe, large object went on its journey with the sleeping life beings attached to it. Life beings couldn’t but continue being asleep as there were no conditions to initiate life.

Only the earth, where we human beings dependently multiply and live, is blessed with such perfect conditions for life. It has incomparable advantages over any other planet. Our earth was designed and created intentionally by the intelligent lives. It was the intelligent lives’ treasured fruit of labor.
The earth is exactly positioned in the middle of yin and yang two kinds of substance roots, which means that it can get force from both yin and yang energy light of five elements, neither too much nor too little. Its distance from the sun is perfect for getting light and heat, neither too far nor too close. The moon guards the earth all the time, balancing the energies and information from the sun and other planets, never leaving or forsaking the earth.
The earth is blessed with five elements, rotating all the time, able to fully accept and interact with energies and information from all the other planets.
Only with such conditions, can we have such an environment. With the protection of the atmosphere, water, fire, wind and air flowing, the earth began to have large areas of green plants, which initially transformed various energies from the sun, moon and other planets, providing necessary conditions for the free formation of life. Gradually, some animals appeared on the earth tentatively, adapting to all kinds of natural environments and transforming all kinds of energies.