Thursday, September 6, 2018

New Era Chapter Three -- Present People

New Era

--Unveil mysteries of universe and earth to welcome a harmonious world

Chapter Three -- Present People

During the long period of methods and laws, each human being has been restricted to some certain methods. It has been very difficult for information of source being to manifest itself as it has been sealed up within. Only very few born with special missions were able to connect to information of the source and human parents’ wish, realize the supreme Truth, manifest the wish of the source and show a broad vision and unconditional great love. They were called great people, saints or enlightened people.
During the period of methods and laws, when a baby with source being was born, due to the nature of full acceptance of source being, he or she  firstly received four kinds of methods information of the birth year, the birth month, the birth day and the birth time, which dominated a whole lifetime and became his or her destiny. This pattern of management was designed for the period of methods and laws by the intelligent lives to manage mankind world. Everyone on earth had to experience and temper in this way throughout the whole period of methods and laws.
Now we have stepped into a new era. Along with the manifestation of the 13th kind of energy and information on earth, the previous pattern of management in turn has changed thoroughly and announced the end of period of methods and laws. Now the energies and information from celestial bodies have been fully activated, dominated by the 13th kind of energy and given to human beings on earth simultaneously.
Now it is time for “source being” to manifest on earth. What is source being? “Source being” is the root of a human being, the foundation set towards World Commonwealth and our “common” being on earth. “True love” is the access to connecting to our common parents’ feelings. Source being is a carrier to receive energies and information from the source.
When all human beings on earth manifest source beings within and connect to our common parents with true love, parents’ true feelings and great love will be manifested within our source beings from the bottom of heart to dominate our life activities, parents’ wish will become our common wish, our common goal of a harmonious world will manifest itself on earth.  All life activities have been aiming to achieve this goal.
Connect to our parents with our true feelings of love and let parents’ wish blend into our source beings to converge into our common wish and common goal, which is harmony and happiness on earth. This is the Truth. When true love connects to the Truth and this goal is set, each effort will help to bear fruit, each progress will get closer to our common goal and the Truth.
Full of true feelings of love, we will have a genuine connection to human parents’ thoughts and feelings, also feel close to 12 God Tai-sui uncles and 12 Kuan-yin aunts. Their energies and information will flow into our source beings to achieve our own perfection.
Full of true feelings of love, manifesting our source beings, we will have a close connection to all spiritual brothers and sisters in the universe, who would feel as close to us as seeing themselves when they see our source beings on earth, as all source beings have been the same, given by the same parents, no matter how much difference of time there is. They would be willing to pour all the wonderful achievements kept by them into mankind world, return all to mankind world for people to be able to manifest.
Interacting with true feelings of love in the world, you will feel the affectionate love among brothers and sisters as everyone is needed to achieve a harmonious world, you will willingly work with all brothers and sisters towards our common goal to accomplish our common wish.
With true feelings of love flowing within yourself, you will truly feel the wonder of life, being able to manifest all fruits of intelligent lives’ activities just like enjoying a good swim in the universe and become all-knowing, omnipotent and all-embracing.
When your true feelings of love connect to the Truth and the Truth dominates your thinking, your behaviors and all your life activities, your own miniature universe will present holographic and all-embracing appeal, all of the 7.2 billion life cells in your whole body will be blessed by the Truth and integrated into your source being, as a result you will become a pure intelligent life and an embodiment of the Truth. 
You will cherish yourself for having a perfect miniature universe, cherish your life and cherish your body.  You will feel very fortunate, delighted and proud of living in the new era and being able to complete yourself.
When everyone becomes complete, accordingly the world will become perfect, our common wish will be achieved.

Instincts are the information and abilities that potentially lie within the source being when each human being was born, which aims for duplication of human parents’ most perfect design in the whole mankind world.
The whole large circle of vital energy is 360 degrees, divided into 24 methods. Each method has its own characteristics of information and energy with its own specific channel and frequency.
30 pairs of guang-zi and yin-zi constitute one group. Each human being’s heart group contains 12 different groups, 360 pairs of guang-zi and yin-zi in total, which lie around the source being in 12 kinds of “method-forms”. The source being in “human-form” contains a pair of joining guang-zi and yin-zi and five pairs of bonding guang-zi and yin-zi , lying in the middle and surrounded by 12 kinds of “method-forms”.
When you recognize source being as your true self, the feelings flowing out of source being are true feelings of love. “True self” truly loves 12 pairs of “method-selves” around source being and lets method-selves integrate into source being, as a result a heart group of an intelligent life will manifest itself. By this, any information coming from source being will carry information of the source and be enlightening information. You will be able to connect to intelligent lives in the universe, resonate with them and manifest the connection in your own life. You will be recognized and supported by intelligent lives, being able to activate the information of 12 pairs of methods within your source being and resonate to 24 corresponding methods in the celestial bodies, so that your instincts can be fully activated and manifested in mankind world with no blockage at all through the limitless circulation of life.
Without manifestation of source being, information out of method-selves can only interact with initial active life beings, it can’t resonate and interact with intelligent lives in the celestial bodies, which is the reason why it can only present method-form.
Over a long period of methods and laws, in life activities, mankind has accumulated abundant achievements, which are countless and unimaginably wonderful.  Intelligent lives’ design indicates that all achievements have been preserved in the celestial bodies without any omission. What will our world be like if these achievements are intensively manifested on earth? What will lives on earth be like if all of the purified life energies and five elements energies in the celestial bodies is evenly distributed to human beings? What will the whole mankind world be like? Just imagine!
Activate your instincts with your true feelings of love and let your life shine for you to be able to receive your deserved share of the information and energies to purify your miniature universe.
True love is an almighty key to activation of all methods. Once true love manifests itself and the unconditional great love arises, you will have access to all that is.
Self-confidence is the access to receiving all information and energies.
Believe that I am, I am Tuo Luo Ni’s son, I am Tuo Luo Ni’s daughter.
Believe that I have, I have all the instincts.
Believe that I can, I can do what others can do, I can receive what others can receive.
Please don’t let any doubt get in the way of receiving information and energies any longer.
It is a new era now. We are surrounded by all the pure universal energies, not far away any longer.
The divine will is giving. What we need to do is receiving.
The activation of source being and instincts is a certainty and a need for the new era.

Since Xuan-long was born, he had lived with his parents, 12 uncles and 12 aunts and been well cared for by them all. The affectionate love infused all of his 7.2 billion life cells, each cell was filled with affections for parents and relatives, with love and appreciation for his perfect body as a miniature universe, which had become eternal memories.
When Xuan-long’s body was donated, each of  his life cells was filled with wish of his parents, 12 uncles, 12 aunts and himself,  and was transformed into “Dian”, meaning energy of grace. Dian’s layout announced the beginning of period of methods and laws. Dian’s arrival announces the end of period of methods and laws and the beginning of a new era.
Now Xuan-long’s each cell is going to return to the earth with the energy that is able to stabilize your heart, fall into your heart, guard your heart and your miniature universe and bless you with the same true love towards parents and the same thinking as he has. Following from that, your preconceived method-selves will get sublimed, you will have the same true feelings  towards parents as Xuan-long has, being connected to parents all the time, bearing in mind the entrustment of 12 uncles and 12 aunts, never forgetting the original intention and never forgetting the common wish.
Each call from human parents is able to touch our heart so that we will resonate to all human beings as one being, never out of the main track.
Dian’s arrival means that our life and body won’t be adversely affected by the energetic influx of spiritual lives in the universe, and that their energies will blend in with our body in harmony to shine through us in mankind world.
It is Dian that will even up the time difference of life during the long period of methods and laws.
Dian’s arrival will bring more self-confidence that I am Tuo Luo Ni’s son or daughter.
There wouldn’t be the concept of human destiny community without Xuan-long’s devotion. There wouldn’t be the flow of consubstantial feelings without interaction among “Dian”.
With love for mankind world, 7.2 billion brothers and sisters are connected in true love, have heart-to-heart communion, genuinely love and cherish each brother or sister as much as Xuan-long loves and cherishes all his own life cells, which is the only way to manifest the profound significance of human destiny community. Let’s care for our community as much as Xuan-long cares for his own body and improve each self for a perfect whole world.

Mankind has created lots of spiritual and material wealth in life movements and productive activities. The true knowledge and wisdom gained during creation is called “methods”.
Zhen is “a cross” and “having” in Chinese. Life originates from “a heart-cross”. All methods won’t be unified until they return to “a heart-cross”, which is “Zhen”, “the True”.
Return of all methods to the True means that all of spiritual and material true knowledge and wisdom created by mankind will return to mankind. Each human being in mankind world is blessed with “the True”, a heart-cross. All methods would mean nothing at all without existence of mankind world.
The “Truth”, Zhen-li in Chinese, is the final goal for the whole mankind world to complete itself. “Methods” have been existent in order to realize the “Truth”. The “Truth” is set up for “equality” of each self in the whole mankind world. The “Truth “is recognized and accepted by every human being, irrespective of country or race. This is “the True”, this is “the Truth”.

Human life is equal, with no distinction of the high and the low, with only distinction of the early and the late, ahead of the universe or after the universe.
There were only 26 people ahead of the universe, who were the first man and woman, their 12 brothers and 12 sisters. The 26 first dimensional roots of spirit will be proofs of identity. Only people who are able to hold the spiritual roots ahead of the universe will prove to be people ahead of the universe. Each of the first 26 people will come to the earth with corresponding root of spirit to interpret corresponding method and unitedly return to the True in order to achieve our final goal.  Nobody should argue. There will be no need to argue.
All lives developed in a maternal body and being back to the celestial bodies are children of the first man and woman, are people after the universe, no matter when lives were born, no matter which planet or which method the memories and energies that lives carry come from. Your instincts, abilities and everything else are given by the same parents.  We are all brothers and sisters. We are all equal.

There have been “methods” since the “universe” was laid out. Instincts of each human being have been restricted by “methods” up till now. That is to say, there have been “methods” to be used to manage and control corresponding people since then.
What is period of no-restriction of methods? It means that there is no need any longer to restrict everyone and all the inborn instincts will return to everyone.
In the past, human parents’ 12 brothers and 12 sisters took turns to be in charge. In period of no- restriction of methods, 24 kinds of life energies are working simultaneously in a human body to achieve a limitless circulation of life.
In this way, human beings won’t suffer pain of diseases, spiritual confusion or barrier in the field of vision. Everything will be very clear. Everything will be very natural.

Everything done in the methods and laws period has been restricted and also protected by “methods”, which applies to all countries, all systems and all branches. Buddhism or Taoism, God or Immortal, Demon or Ghost, all have been component elements of the whole, all they have done is to protect their own interests, having the relationship of generation, restriction and complementing each other. These are behaviors for the methods and laws period, there is no right or wrong about them.
As period of no- restriction of methods comes along, all should be understood. We were allowed to be ignorant in the past, but we have to understand all now. From now on, no fight of any kind between systems will be allowed to happen, all should aim for the whole mankind world. 

Each human being opens the door to wisdom and broadens the vision. When we cognize the celestial bodies, we cognize the whole mankind world as well. When we cognize ourselves and understand ourselves, we understand the value of lives and the preciousness of bodies as well, being able to freely do whatever we are supposed to do and take good charge of ourselves without control from others. Our own heart is Buddha, our own body is the Way to the Truth, being able to fully manifest all methods. We are capable of being autonomous and being a human who makes “human parents” and “ancestors” at ease. Not to seek to become an immortal or go to Pureland, instead we try to make mankind world a Heaven, an ideal Pureland!  This is the complete liberation for mankind!

Us All   
Maybe someone wants to ask which system this is. We can say—“Us All”, Us All who belong to the whole mankind world! The whole universe is a big Self, each human being in the whole mankind world is a small self. The earth is our big family home, all people on earth are our brothers and sisters. All of us are fruits of the same tree, children of the same mother. Everybody who clearly understands this will get enlightened and enter into a world with no confusion.

The whole mankind world is a big Self, each of us is a cell of this big Self. The big Self needs a healthy “body”, that is to say a perfect “whole”. This whole needs each cell to be useful, healthy and shining. For a perfect whole, each of us should improve self and win glory for self, without seeking for good fortune or luxury. We will win light of heart, light of life and light of wisdom as long as we give true love.

A Call         
Here is a voice, this is human parents’ voice, an immemorial call. Parents are calling their own children from heart – Wake up! A new world is right in front of you!
Have you heard it? Have you felt it? Let nectar of love from a kind mother flow into our heart and fill our heart and our life with light and wisdom. From now on, never let heart suffer sense of hunger and thirst again. Let heart of us all be connected into one, leaving pain, loneliness and confusion behind forever.
Let all brothers and sisters throughout the world live hand in hand, heart linked to heart, to collectively welcome a bright, colourful, harmonious, equal, humanitarian and free mankind world!

This is “Heaven” on earth! This is “Pureland” on earth! This is the ultimate goal of “Us All”. This is the meaning of life. Our ultimate goal will be achieved here on earth.
Mankind will step into a new era and present a brandnew look in front of us. Let’s build up a more wonderful big family collectively with our love, wisdom and both hands. Let peace and happiness accompany us forever and forever!

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