Thursday, September 6, 2018

New Era Chapter Two -- People After The Universe

New Era

--Unveil mysteries of universe and earth to welcome a harmonious world

Chapter Two --People After The Universe

People Born From Maternal Body
All people born from maternal body on the earth are called people after the universe. 
Only on this unique and blessed earth, the conditions are so perfect that a fetus is able to get energetic support from maternal body to develop.
For human beings to multiply and develop, the first 26 people came to the earth successively, leaving behind their physical bodies on the earth. Their heart groups returned to continue taking charge of life information and material energies, paying close attention to human activities, supplying energies and information whenever needed.
The first man and woman’s son, “The Golden Boy”, was the first person to be successfully conceived in the maternal body through the union of his parents. In the maternal body, firstly a guang-zi and a yin-zi joined up into his heart-cross, then five guang-zi carrying five elements and father’s information bonded with five yin-zi from mother in balance. With the six pairs of guang-zi and yin-zi, the fundamental elements of life, the fetus was able to absorb energies from the maternal body and develop.
After the golden boy was born, he gradually grew up. Exactly like his parents, the boy got his heart group comprised of 365 pairs of guang-zi and yin-zi, 24 kinds of life elements and 7.2 billion life cells, being complete and as perfect as his father.
From then on, human beings started to multiply slowly on the earth. Gradually, 24 brothers and sisters had their own children as well…… 

Life and Cease
On the earth, human beings continued to multiply and increase.
All parents loved their children very much. The first man and woman considered their son as treasure, 24 brothers and sisters had the same loving attitude toward their own children. We who have been parents can understand this feeling.
Parents were very joyful to see number of later generations increase. However as time went on, there happened some contradiction and quarrel among descendants.  If so, could everyone be allowed to survive forever? Could the first 26 people take charge of their later generations if they kept growing in number? How should they be arranged reasonably? What needed thinking more about was: How to manage and coordinate with human activities after having scattered the Still Oneness? Who could deliver resources for development on earth? How could it be fair and reasonable?
The first man and woman thought of “life and cease”. Having this idea, who should start this? If you wanted others to follow it, you had to do it yourself first. Therefore, they donated the life of their own son---the golden boy first. Their precious son’s physical body and spiritual body were separated from each other and distributed into the whole universe.
This decision of donating the son’s life meant that in the first man and woman’s mind, they firmly believed in the final goal, which was to have 7.2 billion of children as perfect as the golden boy on earth and perfect the world. This goal-setting transcended blood relationship, love and friendship, announced the beginning of long period of methods and laws. Since then, all life activities in universe and on earth have been trying to achieve this final goal.
Since then, there has been the concept of “universe”, there have been “life and cease”, an age limit on the earth. The golden boy was donated, but he didn’t disappear, instead he has been existent in the form of eternal life guang-zi and yin-zi, performing his mission in the universe.  After being donated, he was called “Emperor Xuan-long” (Long means dragon). Everybody born on earth dies and returns to the celestial bodies within a certain amount of time with no exception. This is called a divine law.

Layout Of The Universe
The universe appeared after the donation. The universe was laid out in the shape of Xuan-long’s spiritual body. 
The first man and woman separated and reversed the yin and yang parts of Xuan-long’s spiritual body to lay out the universe through infinite enlargement. The yin part was the nervous circulation system; the yang part was the blood circulation system. The two systems that were originally one were separated, the nervous system was “drawing”, with the head in the north and the feet in the south. The blood circulation system was “painting”, with the head in the south and the feet in the north. These two human figures of drawing and painting were placed up and down with the bellybutton as the center and the earth in the middle, the center-line that ran up and down exactly passed through the center of the earth. It’s the drawing and the painting that constituted the whole universe.
Human being has left brain and right brain, which respectively represent “intelligence” and “wisdom”. After these two systems were separated, the right brain part went to the northernmost and became the North Star, which is called “wisdom star”. The left brain part went to the southernmost and became the South Star, which is called “intelligence star”. The divine “river” through north and south refers to the nerve center of the universe. All the stars in the sky can be seen as the cells of the universe. Human being has 7.2 billion cells corresponding to 7.2 billion stars in the sky. This is a divine number”.

Truth of Fairness 
To maintain the Truth of fairness, 24 brothers and sisters laid out  their whole bodies in the universe as well with yin and yang apart, so two systems of 24 methods came into being. 
After donating lives, twelve brothers became 12 “God Tai-sui”, respectively in charge of the yin part of 12 Chinese Zodiac Signs in a cycle of 12 years; twelve sisters became 12 “Kuan-yin”, respectively in charge of the yang part of 12 Chinese Zodiac Signs in a cycle of 12 months of a year.
Each of them takes charge of one of the 24 life elements in the universe, which has been the way of the whole period of methods and laws.
In the end, the first man and woman separated their own bodies as well and laid out their bodies around the universe, being in charge of everything……

Yang System And Yin System
Both “yang system” and “yin system” are human body-shaped and ellipsoids.
The first woman runs “yang system” slowly with her Yang “blood circulation system”, which is powered by 3.6 billion most original yin-zi. In yang system, the head lies in the west, the feet stretch to the east. The whole shape was laid out according to the layout of all organs in a human body, which were unlimitedly enlarged.
The first man runs “yin system” with his Yin “nerve circulation” system, which is powered by 3.6 billion most original guang-zi. In yin system, the head lies in the east, the feet stretch to the west.
Yang system and yin system are semi-overlapped and respectively centered on the bellybutton. They stretch their feet to the sides of each other’s bellybutton seen on the whole. The overlapped part is exactly the universe, which is the “drawing” and “painting” mentioned above.
Understanding all of the layouts, we are able to see the corresponding relation between human body and celestial bodies, which are comprised of the Universe, the Yin System and the Yang System. All the mysteries of human body and celestial bodies are absolutely brought to light.

Spiritual Roots Ahead of The Universe
After the first 26 people’s bodies were all separated and laid out, all of the 26 spiritual roots were left in the inner earth, so were all of their joining heart-crosses.  Men left five yang zhen-yuan or yin-zi from their heart groups in the inner earth. Women left five yin zhen-zi or guang-zi from their heart groups in the inner earth.
The first man and woman’s heart -crosses are positioned together in the middle of the earth to become a cross coordinate, which points at Tai-ji in the east, points at Pure Land in the west, points at South Pole in the south, points at North Pole in the north. Their heart -crosses connect to celestial bodies, paying close attention to the whole universe. The first man’s five zhen-yuan were positioned at the right eye of yin-yang fish, which is Tai-ji Tu, guarding the first yang spiritual root. The first woman’s five zhen-zi were positioned at the left eye of yin-yang fish, guarding the first yin spiritual root.

12 God Tai-sui left their heart-crosses in Jin-gui. (Gui means return.) Their five yang yin-zi from the heart groups were respectively left with 12 yang spiritual roots ahead of the universe. 12 Kuan-yin left their heart-crosses in Yin-gui. Their five yin guang-zi from the heart groups were respectively left with 12 yin spiritual roots ahead of the universe. They have been there guarding the spiritual roots, guarding the earth, keeping operation of universal methods and laws in good order.

26 people ahead of the universe left their heart-crosses and spiritual roots in the inner earth. The methods and laws were laid out in the universe while their heart-crosses were left in the earth. It speaks well for the fact that people ahead of universe had set their final goal on earth even before the methods and laws were laid out. It is obvious and beyond doubt that all methods and laws in the universe shall return to the earth, return to the True, the heart-crosses.

The Common Source of Human Beings
After celestial bodies being laid out, our human beings’ parents laid out the Big Dipper (Dubhe, Merak,  Phecda, Megrez, Alioth, Mizar, Alkaid) with their method bodies and the second dimensional yin five elements. The first five stars are the original bodies of five elements. The sixth star Mizar (It is called “Kai-yang” in Chinese) is Father’s method body. The seventh star Alkaid (It is called “Yao-guang” in Chinese) is Mother’s method body.  During the whole period of methods and laws, the Big Dipper has been operating every day, transforming one kind of energy per day in a cycle of seven days. The Big Dipper has been sending over life guang-zi and yin-zi which have been duplicated and blessed with information of common parents and five elements to the earth.
Men on the earth receive star Mizar’s energy and information to be able to produce sperm in the body. Women on the earth receive star Alkaid’s energy and information to be able to produce ovum in the body. Every new life from a maternal body begins with a heart-cross, a joining cross of a pair of guang-zi and yin-zi coming from The Big Dipper. This heart-cross is each human being’s own Tuo Luo Ni, the starting point of life, the identification of human being’s true nature. This cross and five pairs of bonding life guang-zi and yin-zi carrying yin-yang five kinds of different energies form into each human being’s “source being”. 
The “source being ”is the duplication of human parents’ true love, the source of wisdom, the origin of unconditional great love, the foundation of Buddha-nature, the source of compassion and kindness, being able to accept 24 kinds of life elements, being blessed with all information of cosmic phenomenon, self-organizing a holographic miniature of the universe.
The “source being” shows our common character as human beings. It has never changed since spiritual life activities started. Whether you appear sooner or later, whether you are people ahead of the universe, people after the universe or present people, all people’s source beings are duplicated and blessed within the same parents’ source bodies.  Only life that is blessed with this source being can be a human being. All human beings are of the same source, no matter which country you come from, no matter which path you follow.

We recognize our common parents by understanding our source being. All people after the universe are brothers and sisters with the same parents, being blessed with the same source being from the same source. We are all sons and daughters of the first man and woman.

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